These first few weeks of this shiny bright new year are probably going to be a tad tough, however I am feeling upbeat. It is also the start of January Squares. We’ve got thirty one days ahead of us where we are going to be surrounded by lovely people and inspired by uplifting squares.

Wishing everyone a happier new year, that is also healthy. Hopefully it won’t be too long before we can return to a life where we all have a little bit more freedom to explore, and can easily and safely see family and friends. But in the meanwhile let us find joy in our squares and together (if you press play in my square video above) go up, up and away!

Wondering what to do next? Well here are a few more ideas for this month’s theme of up. Remember it is totally up to you how you interpret the theme, the only absolute rule is that your main photograph must be SQUARE.

It would be so uplifting if you can join me over the next thirty one days, however don’t worry if daily posts are not for you. In this challenge be kind to yourself and post when it suits you. All I ask is that your photograph has 4 equal sides!

I love receiving comments as well as a pingbacks on my square posts, and it would be fantastic if you were able to find a few minutes to visit at least one other squarer. Together, with the tag SquareUp, we can support each other and be upbeat about 2021.

230 thoughts

  1. Pingback: Emma – C & K
  2. BushBoy brought me here. I love the Square concept. I have posted for the first time. I’m looking forward to taking more photos and seeing other people’s work.😊

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  3. A question: The SQUARES last for a month. UP postings will last until the end of January. Then we rest (or do something else). Then a new theme will be announced after after a bit for the chosen month. ETC.
    I have made a bunch of UP’s but didn’t want to extend them into Feb. if I understood the cut off date is Jan.
    I guess it really wasn’t a question. Just a clarification. lol 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes we finish on 31st January. Simply because I couldn’t cope with daily any longer!! The next squares will be in April – it’s a month long challenge that happens every quarter 🙂 I’ll announce the theme for April in March

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