What a year 2020 has been. There have been a few ups, but it has also been a year full of challenges and downs. We are all amazing for getting this far. Next year will gradually see things getting better, but I suspect the first few months of 2021 are going to be a challenge, especially here on ‘plague island‘. However things are already looking up with the next squares only days away!

The theme for January Squares is the word ‘up‘ and I thought today I would get us in the mood for SquareUp by sharing a few words containing the word up. So here goes;


containing or resembling copper : coppery

Amazing what googling ‘words containing up’ can do! Now for a few more. Remember you don’t need to use any of these, you could simply be brilliant with every square looking up or share something going up. If though you are feeling a little bit more adventurous why not find one of the more unusual ones in the cloud below.

I will of course be posting daily as of January 1st, and it would be so uplifting if you can too. However don’t worry if daily posts are not for you, with this challenge you can post whenever suits you. The only absolute rule is that your main photograph must be SQUARE, and remember a square has 4 equal sides.

I love receiving comments as well as a pingbacks on my square posts, and it would be fantastic if you were able to find a few minutes to visit at least one other squarer. Together, with the tag SquareUp, we can be upbeat about 2021. See you on the 1st!