On the eve of SquaresRenew I shared a rainbow, so I thought on our final day of squares I’d take you to another rainbow above all that foam in Sandymouth Bay. There is something special about rainbows, and also about us all connecting through Squares.

Joy and renew in a rainbow

My second gallery will follow soon, and the next Squares will be in September. There have already been hints about September’s theme, and a number of you may have guessed it. If you haven’t no worries the official theme announcement will be in the summer giving you plenty of time to prepare. In the meanwhile enjoy our rainbow connection.

Robert liked Debbie Harry, so had to be this version of the Rainbow Connection!

82 thoughts

  1. It’s been a wonderful month of Squares and a rainbow is the perfect way to end it – such a powerful symbol of renewal! Thank you for hosting us Becky, and I look forward to September and more squares!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. A perfect ending Becky. This month has flown by and I hope now that we get some summer weather. I’m sure you will be busy with your new home over the next couple of months but I hope you will continue to post occasionally. As for the clues they completely passed me by. September is going to be a difficult month, so maybe squares will come to the rescue once again. Take care my friend xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I will definitely keep posting as finally have begun to go out with the camera again. Huge progress, and obviously now have lots of photos I have to share with someone and where better than here

      Do hope the garden continues to bring you a sense of peace and comfort, and always here (or on email or even WhatsApp) if you want to chat to someone who gets the difficult hours, days and months. Hugs xx

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Bowing out with a rainbow. Brilliant, Becky. You May squares have given all of us a boost. Even though mine have been sporadic, notions of moving forward and renewal have been good thoughts to have. Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. What?? I missed all your hints. I was too busy enjoying all the squares. Thanks Becky for organising us, this month has been a lot of fun and a great way to share our road trip.

    Best wishes to you now for what the next couple of months bring. I hope everything falls into place just as you are hoping.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. thank you so much 🙂 and hee hee don’t worry the hints have been very subtle to date, they will become more obvious as we approach the official announcement

      been fabulous to have joined you on your road trip

      Liked by 1 person

    1. hee hee don’t worry they have been very subtle. They will be more obvious over the coming months, and I will announce in plenty of time 🙂


  5. Thanks for a fun month Becky. Adding a duet to end the rainbow pot of gold that are the squarers posts is fun.
    Time to concentrate on your new life and hopefully the home you wanted xx

    Liked by 2 people

  6. I’m sure all us Squarers love a rainbow. Thanks for a lovely month of fun and connections. I haven’t been as assiduous as usual in following all the other Squarers – it’s just so darned difficult on my phone, but I’ve so much enjoyed the ones I have seen. Now you can have a bit of a rest Becky. I know (hope?) you have fun too, but we do mop up a big chunk of every day, I’m sure.

    Liked by 1 person

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