Oh I so wanted my camera when I spotted these three. Would have been a perfect capture with their white bottoms showing, but nevermind at least I have this square. There were five in total, the other two sitting down on the far side of the hill.

Deer in the nature reserve

80 thoughts

  1. I rarely see our deer, but they have eaten our hydrangea and everything else we were growing, so they are definitely around. I love the dear more than the flowers, so I’ve given up on the flowers. I will keep the deer. And that is a lovely vista!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. oh how fabulous. My mum has deer coming into her garden but they eat her roses which is not as acceptable as apples!!


  2. It’s always a treat to see wild deer. I’m glad yours have a nature reserve. Some of ours are making the best of decreasing green spaces because of housebuilding.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Always lovely to spot the deer in the wild. I recall spotting some feeding at the side of the road just outside Winchester whilst driving my son back to the barracks in Wiltshire a lot of years ago.

    Liked by 1 person

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