Chiffchaff perched on a shrub with the dark blue of the sea behind

I took the above a few days ago in the Ria Formosa, it is a chiffchaff. It is now my desktop (well it is the 15th of the month) and is probably going to be one of my favourite shots of the bird ever! By the way I totally forgot to share with you last month’s desktop, think there was another challenge called Squares going on or something. Anyhow here’s what the chiffchaff replaced.

33 thoughts

  1. I hope you’ve been having a great time in your ‘home away from home’ and I have been thinking of you out and about exploring all those things you’ve been deprived of for two years. Thank you for sharing this with me 🥰

    Liked by 1 person

  2. That’s a lovely capture. So many birds about at the moment. The visitors are having a great time ‘spotting’. Let me know if you’re over this way, for a coffee? You must be settled in by now.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. thanks 🙂

      Must admit still feels like we are settling in. The unsettled feelings a combination of catching up on the past two years whilst also being very aware of our fast approaching departure. Can’t stay long because of Brexit, but all being well should be back in early 2022 🙂


      1. We will – and probably not this trip. Really not much time left now, and far too many walks still to catch up on and like your visitors also birds to spot!

        Liked by 1 person

    1. I know has caught on, which is just great. I love your link up, such a fabulous story. Also very kind of you as you didn’t need to – kinda hoping Monday Portraits kind of turns into Wordless Wednesdays and Silent Sundays 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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