Morning all, Tree Squares may have finished by I am not stumped as it is time for a Monday Portrait! By the way for the first few weeks of August my Monday Portraits and a few other wordless posts have been scheduled. So whilst I am here in spirit I am also attempting to take a blogging break for a bit. Looking forward to catching up soon.

36 thoughts

    1. hee hee you know me so well. This past week has been absolutely bonkers with it all, and next week going to be the same. However hoping to catch up this weekend with the galleries


      1. Unfortunately don’t have much choice for another week at least but the second half of August should be more manageable 🙂


  1. Never stumped, I’m sure.
    I hope you’re sitting with your feet up, a book in your hands and people hovering to bring anything you need.
    I’m sure that’s not the case though! 😀😀😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hee hee – both you and cee picked up on the stumped – I hadn’t consciously!!!

      and if only – been a bonkers week workwise and dentist wise!


  2. Attempting to sounds like me, hon, because the whole thing is wildly addictive, even though we know a break now and then is essential. I don’t imagine you’re gallivanting far off because it’s almost festival time again, and all that goes with. Isn’t time a funny thing? In some ways it seems no time at all since the last one. Enjoy, Becky! Whatever you get up to.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. awww thanks Jo, yes been a bonkers week festival wise and next week no better! I suspect you are moving limbs in the air by now – hope it is a good session and you get back to a chilled fella who has everything booked


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