I probably could have shared a dawn square for every day of the challenge it is such a glorious time of the day. The world is brightening in front of you, and a whole new day awaits. Some mornings sound fabulous too. As you can see I forgot to make my video square for this post, but fortunately as my opening image is square I can still include it. Make sure you have the volume turned up!

sparkling, polished, shining, clever, cheerful, colourful, astute, brilliant, sunny, glorious, translucent, distinct and clear

If you haven’t already joined in the fun of BrightSquare then why not join us this week. It is okay to join us weekly or even just pop in occasionally with your squares. All I ask is that your image has 4 equal sides, and that it reflects the theme of bright. And if your brightness is pink why not drop in and say hi to Jude too!

167 thoughts

    1. Bit grey this morning and also snow and frost, but the clouds are pretty – so think your wish might be coming true 🙂


    1. It is so wonderful isn’t it, doesn’t happen that often though. Back to grey this morning, although there is some pretty variation in the cloud – along with snow and a hard frost!

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  1. That’s a glorious sunrise but the video and your comment about it makes me want to ask the question: If one or two of the day’s photos are squares but not all, are we still allowed to link? I have some photos, such as those I posted yesterday for the Lens-Artists Challenge, that just lose something if made into squares while others in the same post would work. Just curious. Of course I know you’re not an overly strict task master but I don’t want to be breaking any rules. (Yes, I’m mostly type-A.) 🙂


    Liked by 1 person

    1. As long as your ‘main’ photo is square I am flexible on whatever other shapes appear, so feel free to link those other posts 😀


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