It’s a brand new month and I am beginning to feel hopeful we might be taking more steps forward than back and that there is a brighter future ahead. There are still though lots of challenges for many of us, and life isn’t always easy with or without pandemic lock-downs, and so over the next thirty days I propose we support each other by brightening our lives with squares. Today for day one I thought I’d go with dawn, it was taken a few minutes after my original April hint.

As usual for a Squares Challenge month I will be sharing squares daily, and I would love it if you did the same. However if daily sounds too daunting, don’t worry. It is fine to join us weekly or even just pop in occasionally with your squares. The frequency of your squares depends on you and also your blog. All I ask is that your image has 4 equal sides, and that it reflects the theme of bright.

sparkling, polished, shining, clever, cheerful, colourful, astute, brilliant, sunny, glorious, translucent, distinct and clear

I love receiving comments as well as a pingbacks on my square posts, and it would be fantastic if you were able to find a few minutes to visit at least one other squarer every day. Together, with the tag BrightSquare, we can support each other and shine bright.

280 thoughts

  1. I couldn’t find a post for today. It doesn’t mean it isn’t there but I spent one day NOT online and now I have this mountain of email and I’ve lost my new updates to Topaz filters. Am I on EVERYONE’S email list? I thought when I got the politics off, I’d get some relief but I actually think it’s worse. Oh well. I’m going to bed. I’ll search more tomorrow! If I find another post, I’ll give you another picture. Just for fun! Happy almost weekend!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Woah!
    This view is gorgeous scenic, Becky. And since you have shared a video, so I’m now thinking about participating in #BrightSquare with a couple of time-lapses.
    That would be fun 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. thank you so much, and that would be amazing. I have thought about creating time lapses a few times now, but never quite got what I had hoped for. Would love to see your creations sometime this month – squared of course 😉

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  3. Pingback: nowathome
      1. It was sunny yesterday and today. I’ve been watching and photographing the neighbors maple tree being taken down. The one that a branch fell on our house. It is amazing to watch. Those guys are gutsy and the work hard.

        Liked by 1 person

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