20 streetlight

Thank you so much for making the start of 2020 so delightful, especially when around us there has been so much plight and blight at times. Your squares of light have brought joy, and every morning they have reminded me it is the start of a brand new day which will have countless possibilities and smiles ahead of us. So thank you all.

A final gallery will follow in a day or two, but after that I may take a short break. Actually that’s not quite true as I have already scheduled February posts! In March I will be announcing the theme for April Squares. I am already looking forward to that adventure with you. For now let us enjoy today and fill it with words ending in light!

134 thoughts

    1. oh I am so so glad you enjoyed but sorry you found it hard. Still good to get the brain cells working I guess. Hopefully you will find April’s a breeze xx


    1. Thank you so much Anabel, and I am in awe of you that you joined us daily . . .I know it isn’t what you usually do. So honoured you have this month.

      Looking forward to seeing your reflective square later, hopefully by then my wifi will have returned and I won’t be struggling to connect!


    1. aww thank you so much, it has been so wonderful you have joined us daily again. You help make squares what it is 🙂

      I’ll be over shortly to enjoy yours.

      PS but mine is a sunrise!! I did think of a sunset but with everything else that is happening in the UK today i decided I need to think about a bright new day rather than the end of things xx

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      1. Sunrise – sunset … both are needed! (and I’m commiserating with you about Brexit) In the end it boils down to geography. I have hills in the east and a well populated (with people and industries) plain in the west. And, as I’m fond of quoting Terry Pratchett (or in this case possibly Neil Gaiman): “There’s one thing you can say for air pollution, you get utterly amazing sunrises.” That goes for sunsets, too.

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      2. I’m always ready to oblige with P’terry. This one is from Good Omens (in collaboration with Neil Gaiman). If you haven’t seen the Amazon series yet – try to do so. It’s not the book and I imagined some things and some characters differently but it is pretty close and David Tennant and Michael Sheen (and the supporting cast) are doing a wonderful job. It is very funny but not only that.

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      3. He was one of my favourite authors, and I was lucky enough to meet him 🙂 I have not yet tried watching it, but reading your great feedback maybe I will try

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  1. Hi Becky, I can only imagine how exhausted you must be with the incredible response your Squares Photo Challenge garners. I was delighted to be part of your ‘_____light’ challenge during January and can hardly wait for April 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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