4 twilight square2

A very warm welcome to all my lovely new followers, and a huge thank you to everyone who has joined me in helping to make sure 2020 starts well. You have been such an inspiration; illuminating us all with your squares of delight, moonlight, sunlight, daylight, lamplight, flight, starlight and the many creative hyphenated lights and compound nouns. We even had a plight and slight yesterday! I cannot wait to see what other words ending in light you will be sharing, as you can see I am hooked on twilight at present.

For those who are not sure what is happening there are a few of us beginning the year with a photography challenge. The theme is words ending in light and our tag is #JanuaryLight. The only rule is that the main photograph must be SQUARE, however I will ask if I’m unsure what your word ending in light is!

Thank you also to everyone who has left a comment as well as a pingback on my square posts. Squares LogoConversations with you make the challenge so much more fun for me, and of course your pingbacks will enable me to include a link to your photograph with 4 equal sides in one of the galleries. I will probably do the first one after the weekend. If you are still confused by what is going out why not visit the official squares page by clicking on my logo, which I am delighted to see some of you have been using in your posts. What joy we are having this month.

104 thoughts

    1. ahh you won’t Marilyn immediately as I need to approve them first, but having it in a comment as well as a Pingback is fabulous 🙂

      and I like sunset better too!!


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