Come and join us as it is day one of March Squares; the theme is #SpikySquares. In fact the wonderful Bushboy thanks to the magic of time already has and with music too!

Spiky, jagged, pointy, bristly, serrated, prickly, spiny, and/or barbed.

I can’t wait to be inspired by everyone’s daily square spikiness and photographs but don’t worry if you cannot post daily in March. If you prefer you can post all 31 spikes in one go at the end of the month, join us weekly or pop in and out. Whatever you do though, don’t forget the ONE absolute rule for this daily photo challenge.

Your main photograph must be square!

As in previous months all pingbacks must be approved. This helps ensure I don’t miss out on any of your #SpikySquares. I aim to visit every pingback/link and respond to every comment – sometimes this will be the same day.

A few times in the month I will share a selection of all the pingback, so if you want to be included in the square galleries please make sure you pingback to the posts rather than the home page as otherwise they can be mislaid.

By the way if you spot I have not left a message on your #SpikySquare within a week of sharing it do let me know as it probably means WordPress is playing around with my notifications again.

I think I have covered everything but don’t hesitate to ask if you have any questions. I do hope you enjoy this month’s theme.

Happy spiky, jagged, pointy, bristly, serrated, prickly, spiny, and barbed’ squares!