Today I thought I’d return to some of the prettiest rooftops in the Algarve, the roofs of Tavira known as ‘Telhados de Quatro Águas’. I’ve written a post on them before and so today I am simply going to leave you with this one shot whilst I recall all the happy memories I have of looking at this view. If though you would like to see the roofs close up and discover their history do visit my Portuguese post.Tavira's hipped roofs

58 thoughts

    1. You are linking just fine . . . and I will be soon, maybe tomorrow, be linking back to you 🙂

      And yes the Faro roofs are very similar. Once faro had as many as Tavira.


    1. You really like the old word for roofs don’t you? 😀 😀 Mindst you it makes more sense when we use hooves and not hoofs although in that case hoofs is the older form. Grammar eh!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hee hee! I might have a couple more too.
      Decided I need 3 of me this month. Wish I was travelling with you instead. Enjoy your adventures in Krakow xx


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