Bizarrely since I have left Hampshire I have spent more time in Southampton’s old town than I ever did when I lived nearby. There is something about staying overnight in a city that encourages you to explore, especially when there is good weather!

View from the Holiday Inn

Various appointments are the reason I have been popping back regularly to Hampshire. In fact I am here again today. It is only an hour away by train so easy for day visits. I am not staying overnight tonight, but I have on previous trips. A chance to catch up with friends as well as attend my appointments.

The first time I stayed overnight, which was back in April, I stayed at the Holiday Inn by the docks, my room overlooked the dock where Robert and I regularly caught the ferry to my home on the Isle of Wight. The hotel staff were fabulous, and it was the perfect base for an early evening walk in Southampton’s old town.

A few of you may have noticed that some of my photographs have an interesting blurred effect. It is a setting that comes with my phone. I have no idea however I switched it on, nor why it didn’t happen every time. For some shots I love it, for others it was very frustrating when I looked at my phone later!

Mayflower Memorial – installed 1913

Now unlike the wonderful Glasgow Gallivanter six years ago I have completely failed to tell you anything about Southampton’s history or any of the buildings in my photographs. My apologies! However do visit Anabel’s 2018 post or here’s another good link which will also tell you more, as well as show off many of the buildings I didn’t photograph.

12 thoughts

  1. Quite an insight into Southampton and indeed have often just passed it by or gone to the Portsmouth docks. The swallow is a good capture. Perhaps it is a link to your Portugal blog as we think it looks like a red rump one. Good to hear you are able to revision your life more now. And hope you will not need too many hospital appointments.


  2. I lived in Portsmouth for three years and I don’t recall ever visiting Southampton! I was more inclined to head into the countryside and the South Downs Way. Looks like I missed out on some fascinating bits of history.


  3. I had not thought that Southampton would even have an old town! No idea why, since other ports do. Makes me wish I had explored more when I lived (very briefly) in Titchfield which is sort of half way between Southampton and Portsmouth. I shall go and check out Anabel’s post now.


  4. I hadn’t really considered that Southampton had this much history, although I did know about the Jane Austen connection. The old town looks great for a wander 🙂 I think you must have accidentally switched your photo to portrait mode? I use it quite often when I want a shallow depth of field and it’s worked really well on some of your shots in particular. Worth doing deliberately sometimes in the future perhaps?!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. What these posts are telling me is that I regret not going to Southampton more often when we lived in Portsmouth all those years ago. The Old Town looks interesting. Just off to visit Anabel, 2018 version!

    Liked by 1 person

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