PS Only downside of this happy 6WS moment is the internet access. There’s a waiting list for cabinet, and mobile data is limited. Am working on alternatives, but it will probably affect what I can do on blog in July. Just hoping it will be sorted by August, which is when I have to prepare September Squares!

22 thoughts

  1. You’ve moved in? What excellent news! And this is such a pretty street – is yours one of the houses we see or is this your view? I hope you can get better internet access sorted soon so you can share more (and of course so you can prepare for September Squares!)

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Fabulous! I wish you many happy years in your new abode. Hope you get the internet access sorted. Can you use one of those mobile dongle devices? We have used them in the past when in a poor broadband spot, but of course you do need a good mobile signal. If you are in one of those houses on the right hand side I am wondering what sort of view you have.

    Liked by 1 person

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