I thought I’d share with you a few delights from my earlyish morning walk yesterday. The walk, as they all do in this beautiful Wiltshire town, helped settle me so much. I hope it might have the same effect on you.

I didn’t walk far, just up from the Avon to the top of Budbury Hill and back down again on Bradford’s ancient paths and roads. The stroll was only 2 miles but for those who know the town you’ll appreciate the climb I took in places.

These days Bradford-on-Avon is a small and pretty historic town beloved of locals and tourists, but it once was a noisy industrial centre. Like the Bradford in the north of England, Bradford-on-Avon’s industrial heritage began with wool. Both have also experienced periods of industrial growth and decline, including riots. Many of the small cottages were once part of the weaving cottage industry, and the apartment blocks were once mills. The last major factories in Bradford-on-Avon were mostly rubber and they only closed here in the early 1990s, but many visitors may not even notice its industrial heritage with the exception of the canal perhaps. The county council certainly tends to describe as a market town, but that is not its history nor what makes it special. I look forward to sharing with you more of its fascinating history and the beautiful walks.

66 thoughts

  1. This looks like the perfect place for you to be, Becky. It’s delightful, colourful, full of character and charm, and I get a sense that you’ll find something new (or historic) around each corner.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I can see why its gentle charm and elegance has you enchanted. I look forward to exploring more of the town and its surroundings with you, and with a railway I’m sure you’ll be travelling further afield too.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This northern lass obviously thought first of our local industrial Bradford, but now you have explained the historical similarities I can see that your Bradford isn’t just a pretty face. Looking forward to getting to know it through your eyes … and maybe visiting?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Definitely not just a pretty face, and we were doing wool decades if not centuries before your Bradford caught on!!

      And yes a visit be marvellous, was just explaining to Debbie that not only do I have room but there’s a marvellous B&B with self catering a few doors away and I mentioned to Anabel how easy it is to get here by train!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. well it is a tempting thought. The B&B does hire out the whole house . . .and we’d have so many great cities on our doorstep too for adventures – Salisbury (45 minutes), Bath (15 minutes) and Bristol (30 minutes) and there’s even a direct train to Cardiff from here!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. duly noted, and we can work around that! Once I am finally in my house I will message a few of us about a group get together, but also you about a private visit sooner!

        Liked by 1 person

    1. It certainly feels like it. You will have to visit once I am in my permanent home – will have plenty of room for visitors or there is a lovely B&B with self catering just a few doors away 😀


  4. Thanks for taking us along on a walk in this beautiful setting. Like Annabel I only know the other Bradford and enjoyed learning more about this historic town. Gorgeous photos!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much. It is very different to the other Bradford, and going to be easier and quicker to get to know well! I just love how they both have their history in wool

      Liked by 2 people

      1. yay 😀 just checked and there is a direct train to Bristol, and then from there another direct train to BoA. Although changing in Birmingham is quicker ;-D or you could fly xx

        Liked by 1 person

  5. It certainly is an historic town.  Full of interest and your photo of the swans and  their babies was a joy to see.

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    Liked by 2 people

  6. Enjoy your explortions there. One thing I miss about living in England is that, with the help of an OS map, one can walk anywhere. There are paths everywhere. It’s so different in the US where property rights are king.

    Liked by 3 people

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