Where has the time gone? I am sure it was only a few days ago that Squares began. I feel a little bit like this Egret only just appearing onto the scene.

Spoonbill centre, Egret enters right

This pair did make us smile. We stood watching them for quite a while. The egret was following the spoonbill, not necessarily to steal the spoonbill’s finds but to take advantage of all the disturbance that the spoonbill was making in the estuary bed. Much easier to find your dinner if someone else does the hard work!

And fortunately for the egret the spoonbill didn’t seem that bothered by its new faithful friend. Every step forward there was another step close behind, and if the egret did get ahead, it quickly changed direction if it thought the spoonbill might be onto something. Looking at this now they remind me of the friends who have got grief. They haven’t tried to change my path or compare experiences or attempt to cheer me up. They’ve simply been there by my side or close by ready to move whatever way I needed to move.

I think most of you know, but in case you are like the egret in the first photograph and have just arrived, a few of us are squaring daily until 31st May with photographic squares that;

  • Move Forward
  • Reconstruct
  • Renew
  • and/or are Burgeoning

You don’t have to join in daily, you can square ad hoc or even just the once before the end of the challenge. The frequency is your decision to make as is how you interpret the themes. The tag is #SquaresRenew and it does help if you either use a pingback or a link with your comment on one of my Square posts. There is though only one absolute rule;

Your photograph must be square in shape