I know more blossom, but I haven’t been able to resist it as it has really flourished around us this year. An upside perhaps of all the rain?! I also know this isn’t may blossom, but for those who have read or watched something with a similar title or if you know your Shakespeare Sonnets well, you will understand where my inspiration came from.

Have you been addicted to #SquaresRenew this month, or have you managed to control your squaring? I, obviously, am addicted. It is a positive habit though, always moving us forward.

If you haven’t yet joined us then you still have over a week to do so. The only rule is that your image must be square in shape, and the theme choices are Burgeoning, Move Forward, Reconstruct and Renew.

74 thoughts

  1. As always, I am, and have been, addicted to your Squares, Becky, and I’m so grateful for the heads up so I could schedule posts while I was away and was able to avoid missing even one day.

    Liked by 1 person

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