Today is the 20th day of this month’s challenge, but did you know #SquaresRenew is also our 20th Squares challenge. I thought I’d celebrate with a very cute burrowing owl.

Athene cunicularia are burgeoning in regions bordering the Amazon rainforest

In many parts of the new world burrowing owl populations are in sharp decline; in Canada they are endangered, Mexico threatened and likewise in some US states. Unsurprisingly human activity (loss of habitat) is the primary reason for their decline. Although having said that, I’ve read that the populations in South America are doing exactly the opposite. They are ‘flourishing’ because of human activity; deforestation in the Amazon basin. Given the impact deforestation is having on other flora and fauna, and also the world’s climate I am not too sure how I feel about its positive impact on burrowing owls. Their burgeoning populations south of the equator however are giving me a way to include this shot in this month’s squares.

77 thoughts

  1. Burrowing owls are cute indeed. They look childlike their whole life, all round and fluffy. – I’ve missed 2 square challenges (but done the whole month everytime!). – I had planned my #20 square for later in the month but how could I not post it today after your comment to Cee yesterday?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. oh how wonderful to have them in your area in the wild. I have only seen them in captivity which is where I saw these

      and no they are crepuscular, ie most active dawn and dusk, but will come out in day time too. You can usually tell an owl’s preference by the colour of their eyes – so dark eyes are nocturnal, yellow diurnal and orange crepuscular. Of course now I have said that I realise you cannot actually see the colour of this one!

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      1. OK so I just learnt a lot from your response. I hadn’t known any of this and thought all owls were nocturnal. Although I’ve seen snowy owls and barn owls in the evening.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I only discovered this from my regular visits to a bird sanctuary where they have lots of posters up about their eyes. I know there are a couple of exceptions to the rule, but am not sure who they are


      1. oh crikey, yes that would! I know there have been at least 180 different participants but not sure I’d ever be up to counting everyone’s squares.


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