Well as we have reached the halfway point of this month’s Squares I thought it might be a good point to share my halfway point with the jigsaw. I know it looks as though I have reconstructed more than half in this square, but if you had experienced how long it took to finish the final section then you would agree this was the halfway point!

I’ll share the finished jigsaw in the next week or so, and you will then understand why it took the final section took so long! In the meantime do keep sharing your own squares. I am away from this afternoon until tomorrow evening, but will definitely catch up over the weekend. I am enjoying seeing your #SquaresRenew interpretations of;

  • Burgeoning
  • Move Forward
  • Reconstruct
  • and/or Renew

92 thoughts

    1. yes they do take up so much space, or take over the one table you do have! Fortunately I did this one when I was living with my mother and she had a spare table!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. hee hee – if I had started on the wine whilst doing this one I would never have got it finished. This last section had jigsaws within jigsaws!


  1. When my kids were small we always had a new jigsaw puzzle for Christmas. Trouble is it would be on our only table for days! And every time you went past you had to stop and find a piece to put in.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. it did – I was just very slow on approving it! And love that you can borrow. I think my new library might do the same – waiting to get an official document so I can register

      Liked by 1 person

      1. It’s funny. I find it frustrating when I can’t find the right pieces. I also don’t like crosswords. But I’ll happily spend hours cutting up fabric into small pieces and sewing it back together again to make a quilt top. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      2. yes Robert didn’t like jigsaws that much but loved crosswords, and I am too impatient to knit. embroider or sew a patchwork quilt. Guess we all have our slow creative thing. I’d love to see your quilts

        Liked by 1 person

      3. oh my goodness, these are amazing. You are very talented, and so patient too. A wonderful skill to have – much better than jigsaws as you get to keep your creation!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. What an endeavour Becky 😲
    I had a friend who was so pleased with himself that he finished a jigsaw puzzle. I looked at it and it was a simple childs puzzle. I asked him why the song and dance. He told me it didn’t take him long, to which I agreed but still…why?
    He picked up the box and said, it took me less than an hour, the box says 2 to 4 years 😁

    Liked by 3 people

  3. That a monster of a puzzle. I used to do them, back when we had a table. There days, every flat place is full of stuff — computers, cameras, pots and pans. I’ll be most interested to see the full puzzle completed.

    Liked by 1 person

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