My daily walks have become an essential part of my new routine. Are they part of your routine too?

Sir Harold Hillier Gardens

Don’t worry if not as I am not expecting anyone else to walk daily. Feel free to just join me weekly or occasionally with your squares and comments. Your support means a lot to me.

107 thoughts

    1. Today’s walking squares combined with Terri’s brown challenge. I love a good two for one! I often walk the same paths but switch up directions or take a slightly different option.

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  1. Taking a different route is such a good idea. I read, recently, that it’s important for brain health. Funny, I think I’m taking the same route and discover it’s not.

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  2. A daily walk is what I miss most as I have been recovering from complications from back surgery that means walking with a walker or a cane, neither of which is conducive to walking on a trail, paved or otherwise. I did try Sunday with two hiking poles, but I fell near the end of a wooden bridge and my husband had to come from his disc golf at the same park to pick me up, as, thankfully, there was no one else around to help or see me laying on the cold wood unable to lift myself. I am assured by the doctor that I will regain all my strength again in my left leg, and the first thing I will do is take a long walk on my beloved trails. Beautiful pictures.


    1. oh my that is so tough for you. It will come back, but take it slow in the meanwhile and hope you can find other ways to enjoy the fresh air until then

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  3. I try to walk most mornings but have gotten out of the habit while visiting friends back in Illinois. Sorry I’ve missed most of the chances to walk. I’ll have to square up for tomorrow’s walk with Jo. Your walk looks absolutely delightful and I hope it brings some measure of peace to your soul.



      1. so envious – hideous weather here today, and extra hard as I really need to get out after a difficult phonecall (had to tell an acquaintance of Robert’s he has died). In fact I might just put the weatherproofs on and go, it is so wet and windy it will be like I am swimming!!

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Keeps it interesting 🙂 off there again on Wednesday with a friend so hopefully will discover more ways.

      Although looking at weather forecast I might need full waterproofs just to get to the cafe there!

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