Back at Hilliers

It has not just been the digital aids (walking apps and audiobooks) that have drawn me out on walks, the autumn colours have too. They have been rather splendid haven’t they. Robert would have loved them this year. He struggled with the darkening days but the autumn colours always brought a smile to his face. I wish he was here to see them, although he’d probably be surprised I’ve included this photograph. However the blurred effect does reflect my ‘widow fog’; a recognised condition which still afflicts me.

101 thoughts

  1. Hello Becky, I’ve been reading through some of your recent posts. I am so very sorry to read of your loss. You are in my thoughts and my prayers. Look after yourself.


  2. Is it blurred? The colours are so outstanding that one doesn’t see the individual focus. Ah the darkness that approaches – like your husband I too suffer with it. I focus so hard on trying to find light in all sorts of ways. No post today for me – yet another whopper of a blizzard. Even the dogs weren’t super happy to go out. Bernie

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Bernie, and sorry you suffer with SAD too. It is a nuisance isn’t it. Do those clever lights help you?


      1. I was significantly worse during my working years as we had no windows at all in our unit. When possible I went upstairs to a window area or better yet outside for my lunch breaks. I could never use my light there. I use it occasionally now at home but there is research that they have some issues about the use of them with eye vision and seems both macular degeneration and glaucoma have a STRONG history in my family I limit the amt. of time I spend with it. Once the snow arrives and brightens the world it always seems better than the brown of late fall. Then once the cold arrives in December the sun usually pops out for most days. Bernie


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