roof of the world

A setting sun on top of the world I thought a rather nice way to say goodbye to April and #SquareTops. Thank you all for being such amazing participants. You have all been such fabulous and innovative squarers, and a few of you occasionally rectangular too!

The final ‘tops’ gallery will hopefully appear on Monday, and the theme for July squares is scheduled to be announced in June. In the meanwhile take care everyone, and I hope you, your family, friends and neighbours continue to stay safe and well.

127 thoughts

      1. I have return flights to London in August with Singapore airlines. The flights haven’t yet been cancelled officially, but there’s no way international travel will be normal by then. Tho I’m sure that’s one airline that will survive.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I think that’s what i am struggling with most, the not knowing. I understand why we don’t know but at the same time wish we could plan.


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