This is an 6WS and also an obscure hint for September squares.

The main panel with its snapshot of Southampton life was created by mosaic artist Joanna Dewfall. Its border, featuring key elements of Southampton’s past and present, was created by local people. It was installed in 2013 a couple of years after the restoration of a street mural around the corner. I will share photographs of the mural another day.

35 thoughts

  1. A beautiful mosaic, Becky. Lots of squares within squares. Being a literal and visual person, I’m not good at guessing a theme, but I see lots of geometric shapes. Well done by the artist. Looking forward to what September brings us 😁

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Ooh, you’ve got me scratching my head (figuratively speaking)! Maybe something to do with local life in our neighbourhoods, or their history? Or more obviously, walls or street art? I also see a lot of trees and birds in the picture, either of which could make good squares but again seem too obvious.

    Liked by 1 person

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