I had originally planned to publish this second gallery at the beginning of the weekend, giving you time to fully explore three or even five rooms! However last week ended up being very challenging for me what with my friend’s funeral and conveyancing delays. I just couldn’t get myself into the blogging mood. This morning though after a delightful walk around town (more on that tomorrow) I came back feeling renewed. So hopefully this Sunday post will still leave you plenty of time to visit at least one squarer in every room.

The next generation; swans renew

As I often do in the Square Galleries I’m starting with those whom you may have missed. This lovely squarers joined us after the first gallery.

A small room of squares, but a great opening I think. Now the next few rooms are slightly larger, so if you haven’t already poured yourself something, do take a moment now to make a cuppa or perhaps you’d prefer a cold glass of something?!

It is such fun revisiting squares but I am very aware that visiting even a few squarers in every room can take some time. So feel free to pop back and visit later during the month if you don’t have time right now.

Wasn’t that third room wonderful. Everyone was so thoughtful with their interpretations of the themes. I can’t wait to see what you do in September. Now though we have another glorious room to explore.

This brings us to the final room in the Squares Renew gallery. I do hope you have time left to explore this final one, as well as leave me a comment about your favourite squares this month.

Squares will be back in September; the theme will be confirmed a few weeks before the start but there will be a number of hints before! In the meantime huge thanks again to everyone who joined me last month with burgeoning squares that also enabled us to renew, to reconstruct and to move forward.

43 thoughts

  1. What a fabulous month of Squares we all had. Thank you so much Becky, I now you put a lot of work into it, and hope you know how much that is appreciated. I can hardly wait for September to join in on your square fun again 🥰

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I am so going to need way more time to follow all these links. I have some airport time coming up, so I will do a deep dive then. Thanks again for hosting, and I am hope you are getting settled into your new place.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Lovely round up Becky. I can’t do the rounds for a few days, but will check in on my next days off. In the meantime, thanks for hosting squares again, and I look forward to seeing your hints for the next theme, without expecting to know what it is!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Graham, and there’s no rush or even requirement to look round. I am sure you visited a few last May, and that’s all I ever ask 🙂

      Hints for September will follow soon!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. The baby swans are so fluffy! Thanks for gathering yourself to bring back Squares, although I think it turned out to be good for you (and for Jude, too), and of course we all enjoyed it greatly. See you in September for Squares, but looking forward to seeing you before then as well.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Well another squares done and dusted. I can’t believe I managed to do almost every day when I was quite unsure.
    I loved this last round up, yes I did visit all, although I did see a lot already.
    Onto September 😁

    Liked by 1 person

    1. now you are a superstar being a daily squarer and visiting every room. So impressed.

      and I love that there were a few of you this time who said can’t possibly square daily (which I totally understood by the way) but then ended up squaring daily (which was a delightful surprise)

      Liked by 1 person

  6. By the way, why does your site quite often ask me to provide my password? It tells me I’m not logged in, but nobody else thinks I’m not logged in – because I am!


  7. You’ve done your usual sterling job of giving us all our 5 minutes of fme. I can’t get myself that cuppa yet, much less something stronger, but I’ll be back later ….

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I thought I was going to be fine as other people had come the other way about 5 minutes before. So when I came across them, I was cautious and gave them as wide berth, but did think he wouldn’t mind. Oops!

        You are amazing visiting everyone, do hope you enjoyed a delicious dinner too xxx


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